• Call us: (078) 304 - 1010
  • adminoffice@isap.edu.ph


The Office for Publications of the Medical Colleges of Northern Philippines and International School of Asia and the Pacific is the institutions’ publishing vehicle that handles the school organ which gives a venue for the students to organize, manage and improve the “The Quill", the official school paper of MCNP - ISAP thus developing the qualities of cooperation, tact, accuracy, tolerance, responsibility, and leadership through responsible campus journalism with the primordial aim of educating not only the students but also people in the community. It is an Office that takes charge in the recording of important school events and worthwhile student accomplishments and achievements for posterity's sake. It propels and provides the school the much needed impetus for a sustained and a better relationship between the students and the administration and extending it to the community through the power of the pen.

The Quill Issues


Vol. XIII - No. 1
Issued: A.Y. 2019 - 2020, 1st Semester


Vol. XIV - No. 1
Issued: A.Y. 2019 - 2020, 2nd Semester


One Step at a Time
Vol. XI - No. 1
Issued: A.Y. 2018 - 2019, 1st Semester


One Step at a Time
Vol. XII - No. 2
Issued: A.Y. 2018 - 2019, 2nd Semester


Vol. X - No. 2
Issued: A.Y. 2017 - 2018, 2nd Semester


Spring after the Fall
Vol. No. 1
Issued: A.Y. 2016 - 2017, 1st Semester

Dalawang Dekada
Vol. VIII - No. 2
Issued: A.Y. 2018 - 2019, 2nd Semester


Dangal ng Lahing Cagayano
Vol. IX - No. 1
Issued: A.Y. 2017 - 2018, 1st Semester

The student publication recognizes the right to free and responsible expressions of students.


Through responsible campus journalism, we envision a school and a community that is improved and developed through hastening change hence creating a better nation.


To create change and to build bridges to the students, school administration and faculty and the community as well through freedom of the press believing that student freedom is the bedrock of a genuine democracy hence observing responsible campus journalism through accuracy, fairness, objectivity and good taste

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