Social Work education in the undergraduate level shall be geared towards the preparation of students for generalist social work practice. Professional education in social work requires the acquisition and application of beginning level of knowledge, attitudes, values and skills in enhancing the social functioning of individuals, families, groups, and communities, linking people (client systems with needed resources, improving the operation of social service delivery networks, and promoting social justice through organizing and advocacy.
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Major in: English, Mathematics, Social Science, Science and Filipino.
The BSEd is an undergraduate teacher education program designed to equip learners with adequate and relevant competencies to teach in their chosen area of specialization/major In the secondary level.
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Psychology is the scientific study of behavior and mental processes. In general, the emphasis is on the individual person and how the person’s mental processes and behavior are affected by internal relational and sOcial factors Psychology as a discipline and professional practice contributes to national development through basic and applied research and interventions aimed at solving problems and promoting optimal development and functioning at the individual family group. organizations/institutions community.
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As a teaching profession, PE is a seamless activity of designing and delivering learning activities, providing quality instruction managing the classroom and assessing student learning, modeling as well as mentoring. This requires a deep, broad and integrated knowledge of the subject matter and its learners, which in turn informs the PE teacher’s choices in terms of meaningful curricular content, the creation of inclusive learning environments and the employment of effective learning strategies.
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