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MCNP-ISAP Celebrates Women’s Month

The Medical Colleges of Northern Philippines and the International School of Asia and the Pacific celebrates Women’s month held through a virtual conference meeting last March 25, 2021.

With the theme “Generation Equality: Realizing Women’s Right for Equal Future”, Mr. Aristotle Gonzales, MAEd along with the rest of the Office of Student Services spearheaded the program with Atty. Rowena De Guzman-Donato serving as the resource speaker.

With an objective of recognizing the importance of women in developing and enhancing the nation building, the Women’s Month Celebration emphasizes women empowerment and their extraordinary roles in the community.

“We are very proud to have our institution tackle on social matters such as women empowerment which is very relevant in these times.” said Mr. Gonzales “Along with the expertise and strong advocacy of Atty. Donato, we are more than pleased to have her encouraged young women to take bigger and bolder roles in the community.”