The Office of Guidance Services will conduct its 14th Guidance Week Celebration on April 15 – 17, 2021 with a theme “Voice It Out: Let yourself be heard for Mental Health”.
One of the activities to be featured in this endeavor is Quaranthings: Stories of the Pandemic, a MCNP-ISAP Thread, in which both employees and students are encouraged to share their stories and experiences during the pandemic accompanied by some photographs.
These will be posted later on the official social media pages of the twin-institutions with a hash tag, MCNP-ISAPQUARANTINESTORIES. “Our objective for this activity is for the students and employees to share their quarantine experiences in which other members of the MCNP-ISAP community can relate, react, or reflect. It also aims to encourage and inspire others to share their own story,” said Mr. John Carlo Suyu, RPm, Guidance facilitator.
The Guidance Week Celebration is an annual endeavor that helps and guides the mighty eagles to be successful in their college journey and also in their lives.