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CHED RO2 visits ISAP Programs

The Commission on Higher Education (CHED) Region 2 held a curriculum inspection to all the 12 programs of the International School of Asia and the Pacific last March 11, 2021, via Zoom. 

The Curriculum CHED Visit started with a prayer led by Ms. May Ann Malobo the Program Coordinator of the Social Work department followed by the singing of the Philippine National anthem. Eventually, this was followed by a welcome remark from the OIC, President of MCNP & ISAP- Mr. Christian R. Guzman. He mentioned that through the constant guidance and partnership of the twin institutions to CHED, MNCP & ISAP became at par with other institutions in the region. After the OIC, President did his welcome remarks speech, the OIC, Vice President for Academic Affairs-Ms. Winnie T. Cancejo presented the whole workforce of ISAP from faculty members to the Program Coordinators and the Deans of the different programs.

These programs are Bachelor of Secondary Education, Bachelor of Physical Education, Bachelor of Science in Psychology, Bachelor of Science in Social Work, Bachelor of Science in Hospitality Management, Bachelor of Science in Tourism Management, Bachelor of Science in Customs Administration, Bachelor of Science in Business Management, Bachelor of Science in Accountancy, Bachelor of Science in Computer Engineering, Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Bachelor of Science in Criminal Justice Education.

Furthermore, the CHED Education Supervisor headed by Dr. Joecelyn Carag, introduced the CHED Quality Assessment team to ISAP administrators and faculty members. After the introduction of Dr. Carag, the OIC, Vice President for Academic Affairs- Ms. Winnie Cancejo presented the Institution’s profile and how the different programs operate according to its vision-mission.  Moreover, the OIC, VPAA was able to answer all the CHED’s interrogation during her presentation. Similarly, the interrogation continued through a breakout session room via Zoom for the different programs for each different CHED Quality Assessment member. 

In the afternoon, the visit extended until past 5 due to the intermission of the Nationwide Simulation of Earthquake Drill in the entire Philippines at 2 p.m. that lasted for almost 20 minutes. Hence, the program would not be complete without the acknowledgment message of the Vice President for Innovations and External Affairs and member of the board of trustees- Atty. Cristina Guzman-Natividad.

Finally, the program ended through a closing prayer led by Ms. Lorie Laine Taguba the Program Coordinator of the Hospitality & Tourism Management department, and a closing statement from the host of the program Ms. Pauline Mamansag declaring God’s blessings to everyone.

Jhoanna Pauline Mamansag