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As a teaching profession, PE is a seamless activity of designing and delivering learning activities, providing quality instruction managing the classroom and assessing student learning, modeling as well as mentoring. This requires a deep, broad and integrated knowledge of the subject matter and its learners, which in turn informs the PE teacher’s choices in terms of meaningful curricular content, the creation of inclusive learning environments and the employment of effective learning strategies.
As a curricular subject, PE is aimed at physical literacy, which serves as the foundation for confident, enjoyable and sustained participation in a wide range of physical activities. Thus, it consists of developmentally appropriate activities. PE also aims to optimize health through learning experiences aimed at the formation of physical activity and healthy eating habits, as well as dispositions. These learning experiences likewise extend beyond the classroom; hence, student learning must be reinforced through programs on school and community recreation, as well as organized, competitive sports. Moreover, the PE teacher must communicate enthusiasm for their subject matter in a positive caring manner. Finally, PE draws from the knowledge base of the allied fields: exercise and sports sciences, life sciences, social and behavioral sciences, and employs interdisciplinary instruction as a means to permeate all aspects of the learners’ lives and develop them integrally.

Program Goals

Program Goals The BPEd is a four-year program aimed at equipping graduates with the competencies to meet the psychomotor, cognitive and affective needs of learners. These consist of:





The College of Information Technology and Engineering envision to produce highly – skilled computer specialists, dedicated professionals in their field of specialization guided with the core values of International School of Asia and the Pacific.


Information Technology and Computer Engineering mission is to train individuals with the knowledge, skills and attitude in all aspects of human development in order for them to cope with the use of modern technology and communication in a highly globalize society.

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